Friday, October 2, 2009

First 2 weeks at home

Sleepy 2 week old baby pictures.

The first two weeks at home have been great with Baby Liam. Joey was off for the first full week and was scheduled to be off this week too, but because the baby came early, we both felt like it was ok for him to go back half days this week. We have had lots of visitors. It's been fun to introduce Liam to so many friends and family already.

Liam and I are adjusting to being at home during the day. I think we're doing well. 2 week olds can be pretty unpredictable. Sometimes he sleeps for hours at a time, sometimes he's awake for an hour and sleeps for 10-20 minutes. I like it when he's awake except when he's still crying after being fed and changed and seems to be fighting sleep. Luckily, so far (crosses fingers that it will continue) at night he's sleeping consistently for 4-5 hours at a time. We start putting him in his crib when he goes to sleep between 9 - 10, and wakes up to eat around 1 and around 4:30. And, he doesn't wake up until after 7:30. Awesome!

We took him for a recheck at the pediatrician earlier this week and he was almost back up to his birthweight, which they like to see at 2 weeks. He's not going to be so little for long! I am excited to see him grow and want to enjoy every minute of it.

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