Friday, September 25, 2009

Baby Liam has arrived!!

Baby Liam arrived on Saturday, September 19 at 11:37 PM. He weighed 6lbs 8 oz and was 19 inches long. He is such a blessing to our family. We love him more than words can describe!
I was scheduled to be induced on September 21, but I woke up on Saturday morning with the unmistakeable symptoms of broken water. We headed to the hospital and they admitted me. They hooked me up to "go juice" (Pitocin) at about 10:30 AM. I stayed at 1 cm for a really long time so they gave me medicine to help my body relax. It made me very sleepy and I slept through most of labor. I progressed to 3 and was stuck again for about 6 hours. The doctor came in at around 9:00 PM and said that he'd give me 2 more hours to progress or we'd be looking at a c-section. I had a new nurse who suggested I turn on my left side to see if it would help. I prayed that my cervix would open and I wouldn't have to go the c-section route. The nurse checked me about an hour later and I was at 6 cm, then soon after that they checked me again and I was at 9cm. I was ready to push about 11:15 and started with the nurse, she watched his heartrate and I'd push on one contraction and sit out the next to let Liam recover. She called in the doctor and Liam was out in 3 pushes. Even though I was in labor for 13 hours, it seemed to go by really fast and I could not have asked for better medical care. I stayed at the hospital until Monday and because we were both doing so well, we got to come home.
Here are pictures of Liam from his first couple of days...After his first bath at home, his hearing test at the hospital, and just before we left the hospital. Isn't he so cute!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Baby Watch

We're on baby watch here at 615 Summit. Our doctors have decided to put me in the hospital on Sunday evening and begin the induction process - so it looks like sometime on Monday our Baby Liam will be 4 days! Joey and I are both preparing for work absences, so this week is crazy. My office is moving, so I'm having to pack up everything and hope that it makes it where it's supposed to go and Joey is preparing his team for Code Blue while he's out. We are so excited to meet our son!!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Liam's Room

This is Liam's room in it's almost complete form. The only thing thats missing is him! Hopefully, he'll be here in just a couple of weeks.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

It's September

September is finally here! Football Season, Fall, and most importantly, Baby Liam will all arrive this month! We're ready for all 3 at 615 Summit Drive. We are so excited!
Every day we read a book that tells us what's going on with the baby. On January 19th, the day I took the telltale pregnancy test, the book said that 3 babies could fit in the size of a period on the page. What a miracle that something so tiny can grow so much in 9+ months. I thought back then that September was an eternity away and thinking back now it seems like January was an eternity ago. So much has happened these 9 months, that time has really flown by. I have been compiling a list (in my head to date) of everything that Liam has done while growing inside of his mommy. He's flown on a plane, visited 5 states, "seen" the ocean and the mountains, been to 3 concerts, celebrated 3rd, 60th, 70th, 29th, and 41st birthdays at parties of family and friends, attended 2 weddings (with 1 more to go), marched in a parade, been camping twice, "watched" a Clemson and Greenville Drive baseball game, made it through a week of vacation bible school, and much more. I have been so blessed to feel well enough to continue my hectic lifestyle while being pregnant. Joey and I can't wait to share all of these things and many more with our little boy as he grows up!