Tuesday, June 23, 2009

While I was off having fun...

Joey worked a lot on Liam's nursery while I was on my trip. He cleaned out the room, painted, and put together the crib. He also got a new rocking chair for Liam's room. And our friends Lisa and Gary gave Liam an awesome little Cubs rocking chair, blanket and baseball books. It looks so great!! Here is a picture of the room as it looked when I got home. Joey is the best husband and he's going to be the greatest daddy ever! We still have quite a bit of work to do especially in making some closet space for Liam. 615 Summit is not known for it's vast closet space, and we tend to use every bit of it.

You will notice Cool in these pictures. He is very excited about Baby Liam's arrival. He likes everything in Liam's room so far, except the drawer that comes out from under the crib. He gets scared and runs toward the door when we roll it out. Joey says he doesn't know why, but my theory is during the late night crib assembly session, Joey put Cool in the drawer and rolled him around the house. Just a theory!

1 comment:

Shane said...

If that chair disappears you know where it went. The room looks great.