Monday, August 24, 2009

No Mirrors, Drugs, Ball, and Background music

Joey and I went to Birthing Class on Saturday. There were close to 20 couples in the class, and all but 3 are having boys. We had a really good teacher who taught us more about the birthing process than either one of us was aware of. We watched a couple of videos and learned some breathing and massage techniques. She showed us ways for me to sit to be more comfortable during labor - my favorites were on the birth ball and the cowboy..haha! We filled out a preferences sheet to use at the hospital which was nice, as there were things on there we hadn't thought about. The Hall preferences include no mirrors, drugs, and background music which sounds like something much more sketchy than a birthplan :). We walked out feeling more prepared to welcome Liam into the world. I suggest to anyone having a first child to take a birthing class.

Baby Liam is due 1 month from tomorrow!!!

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