Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day

Joey and I visited our friends the McClains at their mountain house in Hiawassee, GA for Memorial Day. It was so much fun and so relaxing. We went to the Brasstown BBQ festival and an arts festival in Blue Ridge. It rained some which was a great excuse to take a few naps but didn't keep Joey and Jason from late night fishing on the boat (in the slip :)).

Back at home, our dear Uncle Marvin is having a bad bout with pnuemonia. We are praying for him all the time and hoping that he gets well soon. He's being released from the hospital today and headed for a beautiful hospice care center where he will hopefully feel better soon.

Baby Liam is squirming around a lot these days especially after I eat dinner each evening. He's due in just 4 months, we're getting very excited about meeting him :).

1 comment:

JoeyH said...

hey - hon. Great posts! We need some updated pix!